You can manage your Users in a group from the Group Detail page. This can be located by clicking the group name in the groups table and then clicking the Users tab.
Select Add to open the Add User form.
Users can be added to a group with the Group Coordinator permission.
If the user(s) have already been added to the project and simply needs to be allocated to the group, you will find them in the dropdown selector at the top of the form. Results can be filtered by typing the name of the user(s) in the selector.
If the user is brand new to your project, you can add them by selecting the or add new… radio button and completing the new user form.
To remove user(s), check the checkboxes of the user(s) you wish to remove, then click the Remove button. You can then confirm their removal on the Remove User modal.
Please note that when removing users from the group page, they will only be removed from this group. They will still be active in your project and have access to other groups they are a part of. In order to remove a user completely from your project, you will need to remove them from the Users page in CVF-Admin.